RoFI — Technical Documentation ============================== This document provides the technical documentation for the `RoFI Platform `_. Start by selecting the topic: .. table:: :widths: 33 33 33 =================== ======================= =================== |Getting Started|_ |Release engineering|_ |RoFI HAL|_ ------------------- ----------------------- ------------------- `Getting Started`_ `Release engineering`_ `RoFI HAL`_ ------------------- ----------------------- ------------------- |RoFI Library|_ |RoFICoM|_ |Universal Module|_ ------------------- ----------------------- ------------------- `RoFI Library`_ `RoFICoM`_ `Universal Module`_ =================== ======================= =================== .. |Getting Started| image:: _static/code.jpg .. _Getting Started: intro/ .. |Release engineering| image:: _static/code.jpg .. _Release engineering: releng/ .. |RoFI HAL| image:: _static/code.jpg .. _RoFI HAL: rofihal/ .. |RoFI Library| image:: _static/code.jpg .. _RoFI Library: rofilib/ .. |RoFICoM| image:: _static/connector_photo.jpg .. _RoFICoM: roficom/ .. |Universal Module| image:: _static/um_photo.jpg .. _Universal Module: universalModule/ Note that you can preview the development version of the documentation on ````. .. toctree:: :caption: Contents: intro/index releng/index tutorials/index rofihal/index rofilib/index roficom/index universalModule/index